#leaflet | Logs for 2014-06-16

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[03:49:56] <justi181> hi all! I've got an issue with Leaflet marker events - basically marker events are not returning a latlng property. I've coded up a quick jsbin. Can anyone take a look?
[03:50:03] <justi181> it's http://jsbin.com/botuje/1/edit?js,console,output
[03:50:57] <justi181> in essence, my problem is:
[03:51:09] <justi181> marker.on('drag', function(event) { console.log(event.latlng); }); returns undefined - but this property should exist as per the leaflet API docs
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[04:47:57] <calvinx> is there any reason why leaflet prevents console.log from working inside map events?
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[06:01:40] <liedman> calvinx: I'm pretty certain leaflet does nothing to prevent that
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[06:29:28] -!- glontu [[email protected]] has joined #leaflet
[06:29:33] <glontu> hi
[06:29:47] <glontu> is it possible to make a leaflet map without using any tiles ?
[06:35:07] <liedman> glontu: yeah, you can use only vector if you like
[06:39:30] <glontu> or use a geojson layer as base layer ?
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[06:39:37] <glontu> liedman, can you point me to an example ? i tried doing something with a geojson layer but it has problems rendering
[06:39:55] <glontu> it leaves traces when i drag the layer and i can see the square containing my map when i try to pan around
[06:40:10] <glontu> how should a properly build such a map ?
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[06:43:16] <liedman> glontu: I don't have an online example, but I worked with a map like that last week (closed source, unfortunately)
[06:43:44] <glontu> liedman, so how do you tell it to not need a tile layer ?
[06:44:07] <glontu> or just use a geojson as baselayer and white background
[06:44:21] <glontu> with a red fill for example
[06:45:09] <calvinx> Is there a simple example that shows me how I can specify the right projection (EPSG 4326 for my case) for a layer and markers on that layer so that the geojson derived from the markers contain projection attributes?
[06:45:11] <glontu> all examples i can find have some tiles on them
[06:46:35] <calvinx> basically, I want my marklers to contain a “crs” attribute (e.g. "urn:ogc:def:crs:OGC:1.3:CRS84”)
[06:46:42] <calvinx> *markers
[06:48:22] <liedman> glontu: http://jsfiddle.net/AQpK5/
[06:49:07] <glontu> thanks a lot liedman
[06:52:08] <liedman> calvinx: do you mean you have geojson like that and want to show it in leaflet?
[06:53:02] <calvinx> I have markers on a Layer and when I convert it to geojson with “toGeoJSON()”, it does not contain a crs attribute
[06:53:21] <calvinx> I think this solves my question though - http://gis.stackexchange.com/questions/80785/hot-could-i-generate-a-crs-field-inside-the-geojson-object-created-by-leaflet-la
[06:53:24] <calvinx> trying it out at the moment.
[06:54:52] <liedman> yeah, but as the answer says: the default crs for geojson is wgs84/epsg:4326, which is also what leaflet outputs
[06:56:52] <calvinx> that conflicts with my backend when I attempt to save it
[06:57:30] <calvinx> I get an error that says that my SRID (0) do not match my column SRID 4326
[06:57:34] <calvinx> Like this - http://stackoverflow.com/questions/24034007/correct-json-format-to-save-into-geoalchemy2-geometry-field
[06:58:16] <liedman> calvinx: yeah, just add it in that case
[06:58:40] <liedman> calvinx: but I'm pretty sure your backend is in violation of the geojson spec: http://geojson.org/geojson-spec.html#coordinate-reference-system-objects
[06:58:47] <liedman> "The default CRS is a geographic coordinate reference system, using the WGS84 datum, and with longitude and latitude units of decimal degrees."
[06:58:56] <liedman> which pretty much means epsg:4326
[07:00:57] <calvinx> my postgresql/postgis database is enforcing 4326
[07:01:18] <calvinx> but for some reason, when it receives the geojson from javascript frontend, my python logic does not convert it correctly to 4326
[07:01:25] <calvinx> which is why it breaks with this error.
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[07:07:29] <liedman> calvinx: is it your python code that parses the geojson?
[07:13:31] <calvinx> yes. it’s a mistake that I have to fix at python code level.
[07:13:32] <calvinx> found it.
[07:13:44] <calvinx> self.data = from_shape(asShape(geo_ob.geometry), srid=4326)
[07:13:53] <calvinx> have to explicitly specify srid=4326
[07:14:10] <calvinx> because when the geojson comes in, it has no crs
[07:14:20] <liedman> sounds like a better solution!
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[07:14:42] <calvinx> and so if I dont specify the srid in python code that parses the geojson, my database complains.
[07:14:48] <calvinx> yea. thanks liedman.
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[07:14:53] <liedman> no problem
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[08:15:17] <glontu> can someone help me figure out why the ugly artefacts appear: http://liviu.infp.ro/rtm/index5.html
[08:15:29] <glontu> when you drag the map around you get the ugly gray areas
[08:18:12] <glontu> it only seems to occur when i start draging around while part of my geojson is outside the map area
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[08:34:05] <liedman> glontu: no artifacts here... what browser are you running?
[08:36:16] <glontu> liedman, i am on linux/chrome. i think it was due to the fact that the leaflet container had a different background color ( css ) from the svg layer
[08:36:22] <glontu> now it's ok for me too
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[08:44:48] <liedman> glontu: ok, nice
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[12:10:15] <glontu> is there a way to draw the latitude and longitude lines at fixed intervals ?
[12:10:39] <b_b> you mean graticules ?
[12:10:52] <b_b> https://github.com/turban/Leaflet.Graticule
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[12:19:56] <glontu> thanks b_b . i think that's it
[12:20:57] <b_b> u're welcome
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[12:21:02] <b_b> see u ++
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[15:29:26] <karlwettin> Hi all
[15:29:38] <karlwettin> Is it possible to cache icons client side?
[15:30:22] <karlwettin> leaflet seems to go download the image every time i use my instance of L.Icon, even if it has been used before
[15:30:38] <karlwettin> alternatively, is it possible to render the icon client side?
[15:31:19] <karlwettin> my marker is a rather simple box that i render serverside using java.
[15:31:39] <karlwettin> http://hydda.se/map/markers/advertisement?fillColor=ffb833&text=2
[15:32:40] <karlwettin> my problem with that is that browsers tend to download some 6 at the time. adding server latency i get about 1 extra second to render my map marker
[15:33:22] <karlwettin> and i have a couple of hundred markers from time to time.
[15:33:40] <karlwettin> and i run the server on a laggy adsl
[15:35:39] <b_b> see only one req when using default marker form my side
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[15:35:59] <b_b> maybe you can do that :
[15:36:10] <b_b> use a divicon and style it in your css
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[15:39:48] <karlwettin> b_b: would you mind taking a look at my implementation and tell me if i'm doing something blatently wrong? and perhaps see if you only get a single request per unqiue L.Icon? http://hydda.se/
[15:40:04] <karlwettin> you'll need to zoom in quite a bit in order for markers to show up
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[15:41:16] <karlwettin> i'll explore divicon though
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[15:46:14] <b_b> ok
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[15:48:57] <b_b> doesn't seem to make two requests for the same icon
[15:50:50] <b_b> ha maybe it does ^^
[15:52:22] <b_b> your server doesn't send cache header
[15:52:31] <b_b> maybe that's your pb
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[15:54:43] <b_b> wow this osm tiles are sweet
[15:54:51] micges1 is now known as micges
[15:54:53] <b_b> remind me a lot the ones from mapbox
[15:55:28] <b_b> are they usable for anyone ? is there world cover ?
[15:56:37] <b_b> have you seen that ybon ? ;)
[15:56:42] <b_b> (and hello too)
[15:59:59] <karlwettin> it's my style, it's on github. we run it as the default layer on openstreetmap.se (sweden)
[16:00:12] <b_b> ha great karlwettin
[16:00:18] <karlwettin> based on osmbright
[16:00:27] <b_b> do you think i could add it to leaflet-providers plugin ?
[16:00:29] <karlwettin> and then augmented quite a bit
[16:00:31] <karlwettin> usre
[16:00:33] <karlwettin> sure
[16:00:41] <b_b> sweet :)
[16:01:07] * b_b is reading the website with gg translate
[16:01:39] <karlwettin> i'm actually using two layers here, hydda_base and hydda_roads_and_labels rather than default hydda_full
[16:02:05] <karlwettin> in order to place my color clusters (at great zoom level) between base and road and labels
[16:02:10] <ybon> b_b: see what? :)
[16:02:19] <ybon> and hi there :)
[16:02:30] <b_b> that osm .se got a nice style tiles ;)
[16:02:36] <b_b> based on osmbright
[16:02:42] <karlwettin> b_b: what would the cache header that you expect be?
[16:02:55] <ybon> is that only one set of tiles?
[16:03:00] <b_b> something telling to my browser that your markers can be cached
[16:03:12] <karlwettin> not sure how great the styles are outside of sweden,
[16:03:22] <b_b> openstreetmap.se/tjanster
[16:03:29] <karlwettin> they are minutely optimized for our geography
[16:03:36] <karlwettin> such as the archepilago names
[16:04:03] <ybon> karlwettin: is your server worldwide though?
[16:04:06] <karlwettin> http://openstreetmap.se/#18/58.59688/11.21179
[16:04:09] <karlwettin> it sure is
[16:04:11] <b_b> yes it is
[16:04:17] <b_b> a bit slow on fr it seems
[16:04:21] <b_b> but it works
[16:04:24] <b_b> hydda.se/map/index.html?qp&v=1&syd=48.32805919180923&väst=-4.776574373245239&nord=48.3326813112191&öst=-4.765287637710571
[16:04:27] <karlwettin> it never rendered anything in france before : )
[16:04:40] <b_b> hehe
[16:04:41] <karlwettin> sweden is prerendered
[16:04:50] <b_b> now you got west point tiles in cache ;)
[16:04:56] <karlwettin> and parts of our neighbouring countries
[16:05:19] <ybon> karlwettin: do you think it can scale a bit? /me wondering about asking to set it as a style option in http://umap.openstreetmap.fr
[16:05:35] <b_b> :)
[16:05:55] <karlwettin> ybon: sure, it's a nice server with plenty of disk space
[16:05:58] <b_b> karlwettin do you have an account on github ?
[16:06:20] <b_b> so i can ping you in the issue referecing your tiles
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[16:06:49] <ybon> humm, but it's multitiles it seems
[16:06:56] <ybon> so not usable in uMap atm :(
[16:07:21] <b_b> there is a full version i think ybon
[16:07:30] <karlwettin> b_b: thegithub project is <https://github.com/karlwettin/tilemill-style-hydda>, but the account i normally use is <https://github.com/kodapan/>
[16:07:34] <b_b> /hydda/full/{z}/{x}/{y}.png
[16:07:42] <ybon> b_b: oh, where that? :)
[16:07:43] <karlwettin> and there might have been a bit of changes in the style that i did not push in
[16:07:46] <b_b> thx karlwettin
[16:07:49] <ybon> ok thanks :)
[16:07:51] * ybon testing
[16:07:55] <karlwettin> that i manually edited in the mapnik.xml output from carto
[16:08:00] <ybon> karlwettin: do you confirm I can add this as a choice on uMap?
[16:08:10] <karlwettin> ybon: you are welcome to do that
[16:08:23] <ybon> nice and thank you!
[16:08:27] <b_b> here is my account : https://github.com/brunob
[16:08:28] <karlwettin> np
[16:08:31] <b_b> pleased to meet you ^^
[16:08:34] <ybon> karlwettin: which attribution should I use?
[16:08:43] <karlwettin> OpenStreetMap Sweden
[16:08:55] <ybon> great
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[16:09:09] * ybon happy to have one more style on the uMap toolbox!
[16:10:27] <karlwettin> you'll probably have most success getting i touch with me/us at #[email protected] and #osm.se-infra
[16:10:48] <karlwettin> as i'm not the only one running the infrastructure
[16:11:59] <ybon> ok, good to know :)
[16:13:00] <b_b> https://github.com/leaflet-extras/leaflet-providers/issues/96 karlwettin :)
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[16:31:59] <karlwettin> regarding the icon caching, would perhaps L.Icon accept a data-URI?
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[16:32:25] <karlwettin> i'll explore that in a couple of hours
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[18:16:03] <karlwettin> ybon: if you don't mind, could you link the attribution to openstreetmap.se too?
[18:38:32] <calvinmetcalf> b_b karlwettin are there example tiles
[18:38:52] <b_b> sure
[18:38:52] <calvinmetcalf> nm scrolled up a bit
[18:39:11] <b_b> http://c.tile.openstreetmap.se/hydda/full/12/1996/1417.png
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[18:39:33] <b_b> and here : http://openstreetmap.se/#18/55.70568/13.19586
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[18:44:31] <karlwettin> also
[18:44:32] <karlwettin> http://c.tile.openstreetmap.se/hydda/full/12/1996/1417.png
[18:44:35] <karlwettin> http://c.tile.openstreetmap.se/hydda/base/12/1996/1417.png
[18:44:39] <karlwettin> http://c.tile.openstreetmap.se/hydda/roads_and_labels/12/1996/1417.png
[18:46:53] <calvinmetcalf> karlwettin: tip for using leaflet hash: if (!location.hash) map.setView(...)
[18:47:05] <calvinmetcalf> that avoids the flash
[18:47:39] <karlwettin> the flash?
[18:50:13] <calvinmetcalf> http://openstreetmap.se/#18/55.70479/13.19404 first loads the original center and then moves to the one in the link
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[18:54:29] <karlwettin> calvinmetcalf: aha
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[18:58:09] <calvinmetcalf> karlwettin: how are you hosting the tiles ?
[19:00:26] <b_b> small problem is that, imoo, there are too many labels showns from zoom 5 to 0
[19:00:51] <b_b> ha, and it seems to miss a chinese caracters font too
[19:05:55] <b_b> hey ybon i'm looking at lyrk tiles, are they on open access ?
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[19:06:05] <b_b> or it need a key ?
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[19:07:04] <b_b> looks a bit like openmapsurfer, but diffrent on small zoom level
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[19:31:29] <ybon> karlwettin: ok for attribution, I'm doing it right away :)
[19:38:22] <ybon> karlwettin: done!
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[23:56:07] <pbryan_> What's the best way to plot a line on a map from a given point, in a given compass bearing, for a given length? I assume worst case is I have to calculate the end point myself using some transformation
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