#osm-ru | Logs for 2013-10-04

[00:11:00] -!- Alex_[MapsWithMe] [Alex_[MapsWithMe][email protected]] has joined #osm-ru
[00:49:07] -!- Zverik has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds]
[00:55:30] -!- private has quit [Quit: KVIrc 4.0.4 Insomnia http://www.kvirc.net/]
[01:03:07] -!- jekhor has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds]
[01:05:32] -!- progserega [[email protected]] has joined #osm-ru
[01:31:18] -!- SergeyA has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds]
[01:40:11] -!- Sanjak has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds]
[01:41:02] -!- Sanjak [[email protected]] has joined #osm-ru
[01:45:17] -!- SergeyA [[email protected]] has joined #osm-ru
[02:07:52] <andrewsh> AMDmi3: use tilemill
[02:13:16] -!- old_Bibigon has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds]
[02:22:35] -!- Mezonin [[email protected]] has joined #osm-ru
[02:27:12] -!- Zverik_h has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds]
[02:29:07] -!- Mezonin_ has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds]
[02:42:17] -!- SergeyA has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds]
[02:45:26] -!- Alex_[MapsWithMe] has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
[03:57:00] -!- iav [[email protected]] has joined #osm-ru
[04:49:45] ErshKUS[work] is now known as Guest1251
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[04:49:45] -!- ErshKUS[work] [ErshKUS[work][email protected]] has joined #osm-ru
[04:50:34] -!- ssv [[email protected]] has joined #osm-ru
[06:32:18] ErshKUS[work] is now known as Guest1264
[06:32:18] -!- ErshKUS|2 [ErshKUS|[email protected]] has joined #osm-ru
[06:32:18] ErshKUS|2 is now known as ErshKUS[work]
[06:37:32] -!- Guest1264 has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds]
[06:45:37] -!- kisaa [[email protected]] has joined #osm-ru
[07:52:27] -!- iav has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds]
[08:24:49] -!- Maks|bigtime [Maks|[email protected]] has joined #osm-ru
[08:29:44] -!- Zverik_h [[email protected]] has joined #osm-ru
[08:33:48] -!- Sanjak has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[08:36:41] -!- gryphon [[email protected]] has joined #osm-ru
[08:38:49] -!- Sanjak [[email protected]] has joined #osm-ru
[08:39:08] -!- Zverik_home [[email protected]] has joined #osm-ru
[08:45:47] -!- Zverik_h has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds]
[08:52:58] -!- gryphon has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[08:55:27] -!- borism3461 [[email protected]] has joined #osm-ru
[09:10:15] -!- kisaa has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
[09:25:50] -!- old_Bibigon [[email protected]] has joined #osm-ru
[09:42:17] -!- gryphon [[email protected]] has joined #osm-ru
[09:59:45] -!- Scondo [[email protected]] has joined #osm-ru
[10:05:10] -!- Alex_[MapsWithMe] [Alex_[MapsWithMe][email protected]] has joined #osm-ru
[10:05:35] -!- progserega has quit [Read error: Operation timed out]
[10:09:02] -!- _sev|work [_sev|[email protected]] has joined #osm-ru
[10:31:33] -!- freeExec [[email protected]] has joined #osm-ru
[10:41:09] -!- Alex_[MapsWithMe] has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
[10:45:52] -!- mamyashev [[email protected]] has joined #osm-ru
[10:49:46] -!- SergeyA [[email protected]] has joined #osm-ru
[10:51:20] -!- felis_pimeja[work] [felis_pimeja[work][email protected]] has joined #osm-ru
[11:05:52] -!- Zverik_home has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds]
[11:39:52] -!- SergeyA has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds]
[11:40:09] -!- jekhor [[email protected]] has joined #osm-ru
[11:42:42] -!- mamyashev has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
[12:08:11] <felis_pimeja[work]> На f4 по рекам поплыли кораблики. Ня :3
[12:09:37] <felis_pimeja[work]> Забавно смотреть как они таранят плотины и дамбы
[12:12:40] <freeExec> наличие boat=yes обязательно ?
[12:14:24] <felis_pimeja[work]> ХЗ. Надо разбираться.
[12:15:10] <felis_pimeja[work]> А ещё я не знал, что они power=pole поддерживают
[12:15:12] <felis_pimeja[work]> http://map.f4-group.com/#lat=54.3124496&lon=43.3493629&zoom=19&camera.theta=70.801&camera.phi=138.083
[12:16:04] <freeExec> а на караблики, я на своих не нашёл :(
[12:24:59] <felis_pimeja[work]> Да, похоже нужен boat=yes
[12:32:08] -!- Zverik [[email protected]] has joined #osm-ru
[12:44:31] <Maks|bigtime> ещё бы сам F4 работал
[13:09:16] -!- lenux-mobilko has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds]
[13:14:21] -!- mamyashev1 [[email protected]] has joined #osm-ru
[13:24:38] -!- Alex_[MapsWithMe] [Alex_[MapsWithMe][email protected]] has joined #osm-ru
[13:26:06] -!- felis_pimeja[work] has quit [Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client]
[13:35:08] -!- Zverik_w [[email protected]] has joined #osm-ru
[13:38:10] -!- Zverik has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds]
[13:48:28] <andrewsh> http://map.f4-group.com/#elevations.enabled=true&lat=53.8965638&lon=27.5477365&zoom=19&camera.theta=59.782
[13:54:34] <freeExec> а что за купол?
[14:02:47] <putnik> Фонтан, похоже.
[14:03:23] <putnik> Фонтан-здание. Видимо, как на Манежке.
[14:13:26] -!- felis_pimeja[work] [felis_pimeja[work][email protected]] has joined #osm-ru
[14:14:26] <andrewsh> нет
[14:14:30] <andrewsh> купол — это купол
[14:14:38] <andrewsh> там подземный торговый центр
[14:15:00] <andrewsh> а фонтан — это фонтан :)
[14:37:37] <mamyashev1> очень круто
[14:37:40] -!- mamyashev1 has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
[14:38:52] -!- ssv has quit [Quit: WeeChat 0.4.1]
[14:49:43] -!- dezhin|laptop has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
[15:27:05] -!- private [[email protected]] has joined #osm-ru
[16:12:09] -!- felis_pimeja[work] has quit [Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client]
[16:38:07] <Zverik_w> «BBC объявил, что 23 ноября покажет спецвыпуск The Day of the Doctor, посвященный пятидесятилетию сериала, как минимум в 75 странах (Россия в их числе)»
[16:38:11] <Zverik_w> «В России трансляцию спецвыпуска покажут Карусель и НКС Медия».
[16:42:56] -!- _sev|work has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[16:46:41] -!- _sev|work [_sev|[email protected]] has joined #osm-ru
[16:50:07] <andrewsh> первая мысль: причём здесь военно-воздушные силы?
[16:54:34] -!- gryphon has quit [Quit: When two people dream the same dream, it ceases to be an illusion. KVIrc KVIrc Equilibrium 4.2.0, revision: 6190, sources date: 20120701, built on: 2012-0]
[16:55:40] <Zverik_w> я ощущаю, что релиз библиотеки даже чуть больше минимума (два и более файлов) — это адская писанина. По 2 килобайта инструкции для пользователей на двух языках, 5 килобайт спецификации bbcode, ещё документации будет килобайт 8-10
[16:56:40] <Zverik_w> полночи и всё утро провёл, разбивая библиотеку на компонены и готовя сборочницу
[16:59:27] <freeExec> первым делом внедрить на форум осм ?
[17:00:58] <Zverik_w> нет, первым делом — на spb-projects, для него изначально и писал. Но я составил список из 8 других движков, под которые нужно портировать модуль. OSM там, правда, не в первых строчках: сначала нужно вербовать байкеров и внедорожников
[17:01:50] <freeExec> и насколько трудно там внедрение ?
[17:01:56] <Zverik_w> у осмофорума зачем-то необычный движок, которого я больше не встречал
[17:02:13] -!- old_Bibigon has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[17:02:25] <Zverik_w> большинство форумов работает на phpbb3. Учитывая, что для phpbb2 плагин почти готов, не думаю, что будет сложно
[17:02:55] <freeExec> т.е. скопировал 2 файла и забыл ?
[17:03:35] <Zverik_w> а, ты про установку. Там есть плагин EasyMOD (AutoMOD для phpbb3), который ставит другие модули в пару кликов
[17:06:06] <freeExec> это хорошо
[17:09:05] -!- felis_pimeja [[email protected]] has joined #osm-ru
[17:29:03] -!- borism3461 has quit [Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client]
[17:34:24] <putnik> Zverik_w, ничего там необычного, стандартный FluxBB, который форк от PunBB.
[17:34:27] -!- gryphon [[email protected]] has joined #osm-ru
[17:35:03] <Zverik_w> putnik: я кроме как на осмофоруме не встречал этих движков. На вид исходники напоминают phpBB, почему-то
[17:37:01] <putnik> Zverik_w, хз, я им всегда пользовался. Основное отличие от phpBB и подобных — из движка выкинуто абсолютно всё. Нужное ставится расширениями.
[17:37:43] <Zverik_w> это похвально. Вот только расширения, как я понял, тоже делаются беспардонной модификацией исходного кода
[17:38:21] <putnik> Нет. Всё на хуках. Если расширение требует хоть какой-то модификации исходников — нарен его.
[17:39:27] <putnik> В общем, может позже посмотрю твоё и попробую переписать под fluxBB/punBB.
[17:40:31] <Zverik_w> putnik: не знаю, в большинстве модов на http://fluxbb.org/resources/mods/ вижу обычные файлы для easymod, модифицирующие файлы движка
[17:40:51] <Zverik_w> (большинство = случайно выбранные три)
[17:46:18] <putnik> Zverik_w, ужас какой. Это да, именно модификации. Странно
[17:46:41] <Zverik_w> там есть раздел и про плагины, но они только для административных задач
[17:47:01] <putnik> Подозреваю, что расширения punBB с ним совместимы, но хз, почему они выбрали такой путь.
[17:52:56] <Zverik_w> putnik: в вики пишут, что fluxbb 1.4 (который в осмофоруме) основан на punbb 1.2, но без системы расширений
[17:56:28] <putnik> А, ну если они от 1.2 форкались, то печаль.
[17:56:44] <putnik> punBB няшным только с 1.3 стал.
[17:57:14] -!- old_Bibigon [[email protected]] has joined #osm-ru
[18:23:37] -!- Scondo has quit [Quit: Lost in time. And lost in space. And meaning.]
[18:28:20] -!- freeExec has quit [Quit: Пора домой]
[18:42:22] -!- lenux [[email protected]] has joined #osm-ru
[18:42:53] <lenux> Recapcha дошла до того, что человеку её уже сложно разгадать! Попытки с 15 ток получилось
[18:51:52] -!- private has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds]
[18:53:07] -!- lenux has quit [Quit: CGI:IRC]
[19:01:58] -!- sh4 [[email protected]] has joined #osm-ru
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[19:30:02] -!- tryagain [[email protected]] has joined #osm-ru
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[19:51:24] -!- private [[email protected]] has joined #osm-ru
[20:08:43] -!- Zverik_w has quit [Quit: JOSM IRC plugin. Use JOSM or else! http://josm.ru]
[20:10:04] -!- jekhor has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds]
[20:12:23] -!- Alex_[MapsWithMe] has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
[20:13:01] -!- _sev|work has quit [Quit: This computer has gone to sleep]
[20:15:11] -!- Alex_[MapsWithMe] [Alex_[MapsWithMe][email protected]] has joined #osm-ru
[20:16:43] -!- felis_pimeja has quit [Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client]
[20:25:47] -!- AMDmi3 [[email protected]] has joined #osm-ru
[20:27:39] -!- tryagain has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[20:29:02] -!- Scondo [Scondo!~Miranda@2a00:e78:4:7:19c3:e73c:fe46:d240] has joined #osm-ru
[20:32:42] -!- Maks|bigtime has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[20:38:32] -!- SergeyA [[email protected]] has joined #osm-ru
[20:44:26] -!- Scondo has quit [Quit: Lost in time. And lost in space. And meaning.]
[20:46:52] <gentoid> AMDmi3: открыли порт
[20:47:00] <AMDmi3> gentoid: да, я как раз хотел написать
[20:54:46] <gryphon> а как в джосме выделить все внутри полигона?
[20:55:27] <AMDmi3> gryphon: utilsplugin2 кажись и оно добавляет новые возможности к поиску
[20:56:49] <gryphon> вот ведь... я надеялся на изкоробки
[21:00:36] -!- ssv has quit [Quit: WeeChat 0.4.1]
[21:05:29] <AMDmi3> gentoid: а что с фронтэндом? он же самое главное
[21:06:10] <gentoid> есть готовый фронтенд ,но не вижу смысла весь его тащить на osm.ru
[21:06:28] <AMDmi3> ну так о том и речь. кто будет писать новый?
[21:06:52] <gentoid> могу заняться в свободное время
[21:07:33] <AMDmi3> ок
[21:08:03] -!- _sev has quit [Quit: This computer has gone to sleep]
[21:08:39] -!- _sev [[email protected]] has joined #osm-ru
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[21:44:45] -!- Alex_[MapsWithMe] has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
[22:03:24] -!- Sanjak_home [[email protected]] has joined #osm-ru
[22:03:34] -!- Alex_[MapsWithMe] [Alex_[MapsWithMe][email protected]] has joined #osm-ru
[22:08:51] -!- sh4 has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
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[22:23:04] -!- Zverik_home [[email protected]] has joined #osm-ru
[22:43:57] -!- Sanjak has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds]
[22:56:41] -!- Sanjak [[email protected]] has joined #osm-ru
[23:07:14] -!- Alex_[MapsWithMe] [Alex_[MapsWithMe][email protected]] has joined #osm-ru
[23:09:06] -!- gryphon has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
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[23:47:42] -!- amak [[email protected]] has joined #osm-ru